First Aid* Swimming* Metalwork Leatherwork Art Basketry Astronomy Camping* Citizenship in the Nation* Lifesaving* Personal Management* Mammal Study Citizenship in the Community* Environmental Science* Nature Canoeing Citizenship in the World* Communications* Safety* Family Life* Indian Lore Fish and Wildlife Management Scholarship Fingerprinting Collections Photography American Heritage American Cultures
A Message from the Eagle Scout
Many often wonder: “What is left after becoming an Eagle Scout?” The answer to this question all depends on
your perspective. In my immediate future, 1 plan to complete my second term as Senior Patrol Leader of the
Troop (a job which I hold in highest regard), and remain an active member of the clubs and organizations
outside of the troop, which I currently participate in. These organizations include the International Cultural
Society, The Peer Leadership Organization, America’s Future Health Professionals, The Yearbook &
Newspaper Staff, and my high school’s Marching Band. After my term as Senior Patrol Leader, I plan to give as
much support and guidance to the future Senior Patrol Leaders as possible, and to earn the eagle palms and
additional merit badges. After high school, I plan to continue my education by attending college. I am
interested in the medical field, and plan to attend a medical school after completing college. I know that
wherever I end up, I will use the skills learned in scouting, and would like to become an adult leader of a local
troop, because as it was once quoted, “Knowledge you keep to yourself is lost, but knowledge you share with
others lives forever.”
Eagle Project Description
For my eagle project, I refurbished the parking lot of the Commack Jewish Center. This included cleaning the
perimeter of dead leaves and twigs, and trimming the overhanging branches of trees and bushes, which
required 7 dump trucks to
remove. Along with this, I repainted the 130 stalls in the parking lot and five handicapped stalls using hand
rollers, which took 20 gallons of paint to complete. The temple's parking lot is utilized by many different
groups, all of which benefited from the project. The parking lot lines are now more distinct and the lot can be
used to its full capacity because people are now able to park in the' "per spaces.
My project lasted for about half of the 1998 summer and I was fortunate enough to receive the unfaltering
help and support of my fellow scouts (and their parents for driving them there everyday!). Through the course
of the project, I encountered many problems and setbacks, which were not accounted for in my preliminary
paperwork. By working through these problems however, I learned invaluable lessons which I will carry with
me forever.
Earned Arrow of light and graduated from Pack 322 into Troop 322 Became a Tenderfoot Scout 1994 Became a Second Class Scout Attended provisional summer camp at Baiting Hollow Transferred to Troop 125 Became a First Class Scout Appointed Troop Historian 1995 Elected Patrol Leader Became a Star Scout Inducted into the Order of the Arrow Earned Ner Tamid - Boy Scout Religious Award Attended Treasure Island Summer Camp Completed Mile Swim 1997 Appointed Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Became a Life Scout Attended Junior Leader Training Camp Attended Trexler Summer Camp Attended 50 mile week long Canoe Trip Raquette Lake to Tupper Lake 1998 Elected Senior Patrol Leader Became Order of the Arrow Brotherhood Member Attended Wakpominee Summer Camp Completed COPE High Adventure Course Completed Eagle Project Dec. 17th - Passed Eagle Scout Board of Review Re-elected Senior Patrol Leader Joined JLTC Staff