2009 Christopher A. Cassano
A Message from the Eagle Scout
From my first year as a Cub Scout, to my sixth year as a Boy Scout, I have so many great memories.
Starting with cub-parent weekend, to summer camps at Barton,Trexler and Baiting Hollow, to the
high adventure in the Adirondacks, the excitement never ends. Scouting has provided me with
unique opportunities that most people never get to experience. Scouting has also helped me to
learn many different skills. The skills I learned from earning merit badges like first aid,personal
management and camping will be useful my whole life. The year I spent as the Senior Patrol Leader
of the troop taught me life-long lessons. From leadership to responsibility, the position of Senior
Patrol Leader was not only an exciting challenge, but also a rewarding experience as well. Lastly, I
would like to thank everyone who made my journey to Eagle Scout easier. I would like to thank all
the leaders of the troop who have helped me advance in rank all the way to Eagle Scout. I would
also like to thank the scouts in the troop for supporting me throughout my
tenure in the troop. I would like to thank my friends and family for their continued support for
everything I have done throughout my life, including scouting. Finally, I would like to thank my
parents and my brother for helping me achieve this goal and for their constant love and support.
Thank You, Christopher A. Cassano
Eagle Project Description
For my Eagle Project, I planned and constructed a communication kiosk for the north
entrance of Blydenburgh County Park. I planted low lying evergreens that surround the
kiosk. People that visit can look at the information board to find out the activities in the park.
I would like to thank all of my fellow scouts, leaders and family members for all their help in
making my project a success.
AWARDS EARNED Earned Arrow of Light Award Ad Altare Dei Pope Pius XII Totin Chip Order of the Arrow World Conservation 50 Miler
LEADERSHIP POSITIONS Senior Patrol Leader Patrol Leader Assistant Patrol Leader
Archaeology Archery Art Astronomy Athletics Basketry Bird Study Camping* Canoeing Cinematography Citizenship in the Community Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Climbing Communications Cooking Crime Prevention Disability Awareness Electricity Emergency Preparedness Energy Environmental Science Family Life Fingerprinting First Aid Fish & Wildlife Fishing Forestry Gardening Geology Indian Lore Leatherwork Mammal Study Metalwork Model Design Nature Oceanography Orienteering Painting Personal Fitness Personal Management Pioneering Plumbing Pottery Rowing Safety Sculpture Small Boat Sailing Soil & Water Conservation Space Exploration Sports Swimming Weather Wilderness Survival Woodcarving