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A Message from the Eagle Scout
I plan to graduate from St, John the Baptist Diocesan High School in 2009. During the summer after my graduation, I would like
to go backpacking through Europe with some of my friends. I would like to go to college and follow on with the study of math,
science and/or if not I would follow on with History. When I graduate from college, I would like to into the field of government
with science and math, such as Forensics and, if not, would like to go into law. I am also thinking about a job such as an
historian. I find history very interesting. I like leaning about how our society and culture has gotten where it is today. I would like
to continue with crew. I find it very rewarding and challenging. It has taught my endurance and that hard work does payoff.
Hopefully, I can get a scholarship for my grades, Eagle experience, community service and crew. Eventually I will get married
and have a family. Hopefully, the person I marry will be a big Disney fan like me. Depending on where I obtain a job, I would like
to live in New York or Delaware. Of course, I would like to have children. I would like for them to have the best education I could
give them and put them in scouts, so that they can have the same experience I have had in scouts. Whether I have girls or
boys, I would be involved with them and scouts. I feel that it is very important to have scouting. Being in the scouts has taught
me many things that I would have never leaned had I not been in scouts.
Thank You, John Everett Gower
Eagle Project Description
AWARDS EARNED Fireman Chit Totln Chip Order of the Arrow World Conservation 50 Miler Duty to God S.C.E.N.E. God and Life Interpreter Strip - Spanish
For my Eagle project, I planned and constructed a serenity prayer garden for the Community Presbyterian Church
of Deer Park which happens to be the church my family attends. The project consisted of a black and gray paver
patio. I then installed two white benches and a white fence behind the benches. I plant seasonal flowers to
enhance the look of the serenity prayer garden. Now the members of my church have a place to pray outside.
I would like to thank all of my fellow scouts and leaders for their help in making this Eagle project a success.