I can not sit here and think of what God intended for me in this lifetime. I feel that would be an
issue of fate. Since fate goes against everything we have been taught, it is up to us to
determine the road ahead. Therefore each and everyday I have to work for what I want. Whether
it be for gas in my car, or to get into the college of my choice, I have to step forward and take the
responsibility. Through school, Boy Scouting, and religious accomplishments, I have learned
that nothing comes easy. As my eighteenth year is almost over, I look anxiously to see what the
future has in store.
In one year I can see myself in my dorm room, meeting new people, and experiencing a new kind
of life four hundred miles from home. That will be the first step. In four years I hope to see
myself successfully graduate West Virginia University's school of business and economics. As of
now I am interested in the business/technology degree. To get there I will have to work hard
because nobody will do the work for me.
I am intrigued by the world of business. Have you ever seen Manhattan from an airplane? I have.
I could watch for hours. The people look like ants, the cars look like micromachines, and there
are more buildings than I could ever begin to count. I want to be part of the life in the city. I want
the excitement and the experience of the "Big Apple's" business world. I love money, I love
people, and I love to lead. Now all I have to do is focus, and focus hard.
The past four years in high school have taught me a lot. Never before has life changed so fast.
When I first started driving I thought it was the best part of life. Then a year past, and after four
eight-hour trips to Pittsburgh (to see girlfriend) I realized there was a lot more I was supposed
to get out of these years then driving a car. After all (Going back to fate) .. .I don't think I'll be a
race car driver. What I have learned that stand out as the most important things are as follows:
Family, friends, and personal success. There's nothing more satisfying then teaching my little
brother the little bit of life that I have already experienced. Or maybe going to the beach with a
group of friends. Wait, here it is. The completion of my eagle paperwork! That must have been
the greatest feeling.
My life ambition is to be a success. I want a beautiful family, great friends, and a great job.
Doesn't it sound great? Well, I know it's not as easy as it seems, but I will work hard and try.

A Message from the Eagle Scout