December 29, 1999
Fish & Wildlife
Reptile and Amphibian
Wild Survival
Home Repairs
Personal Fitness *
Earned the arrow light award as a Cub Scout
Attained the rank of Tenderfoot
Attained the rank of Second Class
Attained the rank of First Class
Attained the rank of Star
Attained the rank of Life
Was the troop Den Chief
Was the troop’s Chaplain’s Aide
Was the troops’ Librarian
Was the troop’s Quartermaster
Was picked to be an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Was the Troop’s Instructor
Attended a Junior Leadership Training Course
Suffolk County Scouting for Food
Awarded the Totin ‘Chip badge
Awarded the Mile Swim
Achieved B. SA. Life Lifeguard
Achieved 50 Miler AFOOT / AFLOAT Award
Achieved the World Conservation Award
Completed the President’s Trail in Washington D.C.
Completed the Lincoln Pilgrimage Trail in Washington D.C.
Completed the Boston Freedom trail in Boston Massachusetts
Completed the Gettysburg Heritage Trail at Gettysburg
Completed the Johnny Reb and Billy Yank Trails at Gettysburg
Completed the Palisades Historic Trail in Fort Lee NJ
Completed Slide Mountain Trail Catskills upstate New York
Completed the Long Island Greenbelt Trail in LI New York
Completed the Nathan Hale Historic Trail in Huntington NY
Became a Ordeal member in the Order of the Arrow
Become an Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow
Become Chapter Chief in the Order of the Arrow
Attended Week long Summer Camps at
Baiting Hollow Scout Camp LI New York
Yawgoog Scout Camp Rhode Island
Trexler Scout Camp Pennsylvania
Treasure Island Scout Camp Pennsylvania
High Adventure Week Long Canoe Trip Adirondacks NY
High Adventure Philmont Scout Ranch New Mexico
Completed Eagle Project June 06, 1999
Passed Eagle Scout Board of Review
I am Currently a senior in Kings Park High School waiting to graduate, I am involved
in my last year as a wrestler and trying to find out what college I want to go to. The
decision is an important one as well as tough that is why I am still undecided. I am
pretty sure that I will be majoring in history were ever 1 may go, I am also thinking of
trying out my luck in the field of secondary education. Maybe one day I could be a
history teacher. If there was one thing that I could say prepared me for the college
and life experience it would have to be Boy Scouts. The qualities that one’ achieves
through the Scouts are priceless. So are the life experiences, friendships, and
responsibilities. I would like to thank the Scouts of Troop 125 and the Committee for
one putting up with me and two teaching me those life lessons as well as giving me
those memories.
Michael V. Voigt
A Message from the Eagle Scout
For my Eagle project, I cleaned and remodeled the kitchen of the
Commack United Methodist Church. Where mildew, cracks, holes along
with broken ceiling tiles have collected. I will removed the old tiles and
replace them with brand new ceiling tiles, and repaired any and all of the
concrete walls that might of had any cracks or holes in them. There after
1 painted those same walls with paint that was mildew resistant. I ended
my project by cleaning and repair the stove in the kitchen. My project
took 185 hours to com¬plete and it was all well worth it in the end. I
encourage anyone who is interested in becoming an eagle to follow your
dreams and never give up.
Eagle Project Description
Scouting Experience
Citizenship in Nation*
Environmental Science
First Aid*
Personal Management*
Citizenship in Community*
Citizenship in World*
Family Life*
Merit Badges
Life Ambitions & Future Plans