A Message from the Eagle Scout
Throughout my nine years of scouting I have come in contact with many obstacles. With help
from others and self-determination I was able to overcome every challenge. From my first
campout until planning this Eagle Court, I leaned a lot of new things. I learned all twelve points
of the scout law r the morals I live by recited in the oath, helping someone out each day, and
being prepared. Scouting has made me a leader and a friend to all. I have learned to embrace
all types of people. Not only has it taught me all of these things but made it fun and exciting
along the way. From long nights of campfire talk to water fights among the troop is what made
me enjoy and become brothers with my troop. Troop 125 will always be my troop. I would like to
thank the adult leaders, scouts, family r friends whom have helped me along my journey as a
scout. You have all gave me memories that will last and a community to be proud I am part of.
Thank You, Ryan T. Sullivan
Eagle Project Description
For my project I constructed a retaining wall in Woodoak Park. The wall is located on the corner of Oakwood
Road and Woodoak Road. I worked with fellow scouts, family, and friends to clean the park and construct
the wall. I also had strong support from the people living in the neighborhood. The wall also holds flowers
and beautifies the area.
AWARDS EARNED Arrow of Light World Conservation Ad Altare Dei Pope Pius XII
LEADERSHIP POSITIONS DenChief Patrol Leader Assistant Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol
Art Basketry Camping* Citizenship in the Community* Citizenship in the Nation* Citizenship in the World* Communications* Crime Prevention Emergency Preparedness* Environmental Science* Family Life. Fingerprinting First Aid* Forestry Home repair Leatherwork Metalworks Personal Fitness* Personal Management* Pioneering Reptile and Amphibian Study Rowing Safety Sculpture Soil and Water Conservation Space Exploration Sports Swimming