A Message from the Eagle Scout
It is very difficult to answer what my purpose in life will be. What I intend to do and what my
purpose may turn out to be may be entirely different things. I am planning on going into the
field of electrical engineering. I especially enjoyed robotics in high school and expect to
continue my studies in this subject through college. Even though I don't know exactly what
my career will be, I know that the skills I've learned in scouting will help me.
One important group of skills I've learned is leadership- from being patrol leader, assistant
patrol leader and troop guide. Through these positions, I've learned how to deal with
others. I've learned patience and organizational skills.
The variety of work I've done with merit badges will help me in my life and studies. For
example, the Atomic Energy merit badge showed me the applications of atomic energy, and
its' relation to industry and engineering. The Riflery and Archery merit badges taught me to
use a steady hand, good eye, and patience. Personal Management taught me good money
and time management skills. Metalwork merit badge showed me simple skills to use when
working with metals in construction. And Basketry taught me that I could make a stool in
public and be rewarded for it.
The weeks at summer camp and high adventure trips taught me to expand my horizons and
push my limits. When I went for my first week of camp, I wasn't sure I could make it. I
experienced similar doubt on the high adventure canoe trip. Yet when I pushed myself, I
gained new confidence in my abilities, which is important in all facets of life.
The scout law will be part of me in my everyday life. My ambition is to be helpful in whatever
field I choose to be part of, helping improve the lives of others through the work I will do.
Scouting has been very important in developing who I am, and I'm sure that what scouting
has taught me will help shape my future as well.