Citizenship in the Community*
Citizenship in the Nation*
Citizenship in the World*
Crime Prevention
Emergency Preparedness*
Environmental Science*
Family Life*
First Aid
Fish & Wildlife Management
Home Repairs
Indian Lore
Mammal Study
Model Design and Building
Personal Fitness*
Personal Management*
Plant Science
Reptile & Amphibian Study
Rifle Shooting
Shotgun Shooting
Space Exploration
Wood Carving
Joined Cub Scouting
Earned the Arrow of Light Award
Graduated from Pack 322
Joined Troop 125
Attained the Rank of Boy Scout                4/3/97
Spent a weekend in Harriman State Park
Appointed to and served as Assistant Patrol Leader
Awarded Totin’ Chip Certification
Attained the Rank of Tenderfoot                3/17/98
Attained the Rank of Second Class        10/17/98
Appointed to and served as Troop Scribe
Attained the Rank of First Class                1/19/99
Attained the Rank of Star                11/9/99
Appointed to and served as Troop Scribe
Attended week-long Summer Camp at Trexler Scout Reservation
Attained the Rank of Life                8/4/00
Appointed to and served as Troop Guide
Appointed to and served as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Inducted into the Order of the Arrow as an Ordeal Member
Completed the Junior Leadership Training Course at Baiting Hollow Scout Camp
Attended week-long Summer Camp at Treasure Island Scout Camp
Elected to and served as Senior Patrol Leader
Completed the President’s Trail and Lincoln Pilgrimage Trail in Washington, DC
Served as Staff for the Junior Leadership Training Course at BHSC
Earned the World Conservation Award
Earned the Pope Pius XII Religious Award
Sealed the bond of Brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow
Attended week-long Summer Camp at Ten Mile River Scout Camp
Appointed to and served as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Served as Staff for the Junior Leadership Training Course at BHSC
Began Eagle Scout Leadership Project
Attended week-long Spring Camp at Baiting Hollow Scout Camp
Attended week-long Summer Camp at Barton Scout Camp
Served as Staff for the 21st Century Woodbadge Adult Training at BHSC
Completed Eagle Scout Leadership Project
Passed Eagle Scout Board of Review        3/9/04    
2004  Shahin Michael Namazi
A Message from the Eagle Scout
Joining the Boy Scouts of America provided me with the first opportunity in my life to learn and
demonstrate leadership.  As I rose through the ranks and attained higher leadership positions,
I strived to develop my leadership skills.  I believe that my Scouting experiences inspired me to
seek out leadership within my school.  For two years, I was elected by the student body to the
position of Student Council Treasurer, a position which I have held in very high regard.  I have
been privileged to serve as the Student Council President for the 2003-2004 school year,
having been elected to that position last May.  I am also proud to have served as the Treasurer
of the Technology Honor Society.  I have also used my leadership abilities to obtain positions
within Scouting.  In addition to having served as my Troop’s Senior Patrol Leader and an
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, I have sought out opportunities outside of my troop.  After
participating in the Treasure Oaks Junior Leader Training Conference, I have served on staff
for the course for the past three years.  Last summer, I was invited to participate in Boys’ State
of New York sponsored by the American Legion.  This intensive program brought together
skills I learned both in Scouting and in school.  This week-long event was one of the most
influential in my life, and I will carry memories from it for the rest of my life.  These activities
have helped me to develop my personal leadership abilities, which I hope to carry with me for
the rest of my life.  The skills and wisdom that I have acquired over the years will be of help to
me no matter what path in life I may take.  I will be attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in
the fall, where I will study electrical engineering.  Whether I end up in the business world,
military, government, etc… I will carry with me what I have learned about myself and my peers.
Thank You,
Shahin M. Namazi
Eagle Project Description
My Eagle Project involved the reconstruction of an “all-access” trail at Caleb Smith State Park
Preserve in Smithtown, New York.  The original trail was constructed as an Eagle Project in 1984,
and had since become in need of repair.  The trail is 1,565 feet long, or a little over a quarter of a
mile.  The trail surface is packed bluestone dust, with wood siding to contain the bluestone.  After
planning my project, and securing the approval of the park and my troop, I set out to reconstruct
the trail.  I reconstructed the trail in stages, allowing it to remain open throughout construction.  
After pulling up the old siding, I replaced it with new, stronger wood.  Once this was complete, I
replaced the bluestone dust with a new, three inch layer, which was rolled to compaction.  In
addition, I replaced a drainage system throughout the trail, which is used to prevent erosion of the
trail.  I began the planning stage of my project in June of 2002, and started construction in October
of 2002.  The trail was completed in August of 2003.  The trail is designed to be accessible to those
in wheelchairs, in addition to accommodating strollers and wagons.  The trail is a nature trail, with a
number of stations detailing the beautiful foliage that surrounds the area.  A total of 538.75 man
hours were used to complete this project.  It is my hope that the reconstruction of this trail will
benefit the community and those who use it.  I am extremely grateful to all those who helped me
complete this project – Scouts, Scouters, friends, and especially my family.
Scouting Experience
Pope Pius XII Religious Award
World Conservation Award
Junior Leader Training Conference
Staff for Junior Leader Training Conference
Staff for 21st Century Woodbadge Adult Training NE-II-135
Special Awards and Training
Leadership History
Assistant Patrol Leader        
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader        
Senior Patrol Leader
Troop Guide